Monday, April 14, 2008

Honoring Henry John

Henry John was my first nephew. I was fortunate enough to be in California right after Henry's birth and loved those first days with him and his 15 month old sister Janneke. Henry has always been all boy and it has been such an adventure to watch him grow and change and develop into the stunning young man he is today.

When I see my other nephews at their 2, 4, and 8 year old ages, I see glimpses of Henry. Henry lived life with a reckless sense of adventure as a toddler and young boy. He did most everything with an unawareness of his own strength. He loved the outdoors, had a great imagination and would often live out a day as a character from a most recent Bible Story or video. In a busy family with young children, Henry played most days with Janneke and Anneliese and as he grew in stature and awareness, he became sensitive to the needs of his sisters and my nephews tender heart caught up with his incredible strength and before my eyes, I loved the gentle man he was morphing into.

Now life in a home with four sisters can not always be easy as it looks in pictures. Perhaps that is why God gifted Henry as a leader and favorite amongst his boy cousins. I have seen year after year Henry's cousins admire him for his creative play and leadership in all types of games. From Power Rangers to Nerf battles, there is hardly a time I remember the boys arguing about the rules, the play or the outcome. Henry is a great older cousin to Andrew, Ryan, Noah and now Peter, Jean Marc and Isaiah as well. Peter knows and Henry reminds him that soon (in a few years) Henry will take Peter on a fishing trip. Henry knows how to make moments special with a kind word, a hug, or a shared dream to anticipate and look forward to.

Henry is a natural athlete and is fun to watch as he now is able to lead his teams in performance and sportsmanship. Henry has learned about his ability to ensure his friends have a good memory on the field/court if he is an encourager of them. He can often be seen "coaching" in a very respectful fashion or ensuring that no one person feels the burden of an error or loss alone. I marvel at his sensitivity as a teen boy to be aware of how another boy is feeling and have the confidence to enter into those feelings of another.

Henry has assured me that a visit to his Aunt's home is just perfect if it is filled with a cable sports channel, some pizza rolls and nothing to fancy planned. He knows of my commitment to ensure his visits are a mini vacation for him and I do delight in his delight of hanging out and talking about sports players and recent scores.

Henry is kind, sensitive, thoughtful, and contemplative. He strives to live in line with God's commandments and is willing to "own up" if he has erred in some fashion. I am in awe of this 13 year old boy and his ability to balance his activity and his like to be home. He works hard at his paper route, enjoys spending some of his earnings and has mastered an ability to have one Ipod headphone in one ear and be fully attentive to a conversation with his other. Or at least he appears fully attentive!

Henry John, I used to watch you walk around in your jeans and jean jacket, hands in your pockets, rounded face and was sure you would be a farmer some day. Today, I do not have a clear sense as to what your future holds, but I am assured that in the days and weeks ahead, in the months and years ahead, you will make decisions that continue to stretch and grow you into the man God had designed you to be. You are an only grandson on your Dad's are an only son in your family, you are a favorite cousin amongst the Borgdorff crew, and you are loved

And in closing Henry, I want to thank you for continuing to hang out at your Aunt's house. For your kind words and polite ways. For your willingness to golf with a four year old cousin and an almost forty year old aunt. For your invitation to go to the park which makes great memories for many and for being you...for God gave me a real gift the day He brought you to your family. I welcome any opportunity I have to Honor you Henry.... I love you Henry John

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